
About me

......his heartbeat raced and his mind got locked in an unthinkable shell. His whole body experienced a wave of undulation, perplexed anxiousness grew through his eyes. What else could he expect from his feeble body than this sudden rumble of nervousness when he raised a benign but hard hitting question in his mind, the question which was chiseled from the rock of the identity, "What should I write about myself?".

He choked, tried to lower down the tremble in his arms and begun on the flat drab puppet normally termed as keyboard. He couldn't think or rather couldn't survive the atrocity of the rushing thoughts about his own being, the thoughts which he termed as his "sole enemy". The person who almost explained everything could barely explain himself.

He was a regular first year university goer, with shattered ambitions but with new vibrant zeal. A twist of destiny had brought him to the disputed territory - Azad Jammu and Kashmir, and to the mercy of the vast study of earth surface called Geology, apparently of which his thoughts were more neutral.  He enjoyed what we think is not enjoyable, he rejoiced where one needed to be calm. Sometimes a fool out of no-where and the other times just a more fouler.

The belief he had in destiny had always showed up in his routine, but the lousy myth of horoscopes never fascinated him. He could have been anything and typed it down, true or false, but what he chose was to let the cascade of his imaginations flow.....

"Hi, well.......I'm just a story...... :)", he typed.